LeBron James leaving his native
Cleveland hit me like many Cavaliers fans pretty hard. In trying to describe my feelings to a friend
of mine after LeBron’s recent championship I was looking for the perfect
analogy and I found it; an ex-girlfriend.
to me is like an ex-girlfriend, it ends with the ring. When I started dating my ex I was a wreck;
ill equipped for the next level, unambitious, and slept in too late. My Cavs before LeBron showed up also had
these same issues. My ex came in and
changed the wardrobe bringing me a little more class, out with the jeans with
holes and stained tees. LeBron did the
very same for the Cavs ditching older players and baby fat from the rooster to
add new kicks like Antwan Jamison and a nice retro suit like Shaquille O’Neil
to give the Cavs that new slick look.
James like most of our ex’s demands us to step it up and get some new things if
you expect them to hang around. The Cavs
got a new work out facility closer to LeBron’s Akron home so the drive wouldn’t
be too bad in the off season. I didn’t
have to go out and buy a gym but I did have to get an air conditioner for the
apartment and ditch the futon for an actual bed. In both comparisons all parties involved got
what they wanted especially my ex, I mean LeBron, I mean, oh whatever!
you guys have been together for a while now and it is starting to get a little
more serious. One of the people involved
wants to take it to the next level and they start talking about a ring. That one ring, which is different for my ex,
and LeBron, and even Gollum strangely enough; that ring starts to rule their
lives. You try to be calm and rational
about it and say “Honey, I’ll get you a ring but you have to show me you are
committed.” Show me your in it for the
long haul and you aren’t going to leave me high and dry here in a couple years
for some new beau in Miami but then they turn it around on you and say you
don’t trust them. They pout around and
make changes to their game but never quite step it up to the level they have to
showing you they are all in.
After a while they
start scheming with their girlfriends (Bosh, Wade, and Pat O’ Riley) and these
friends always tell them that they could do so much better than you. He’s a nice guy and all but is he really
going to take you anywhere in life? Will
he get you that ring? That’s when
everything goes wrong with the relationship.
Constant under performance in key moment’s pulls the two of you apart
until eventually you have a messy breakup.
You try to patch things
up and start over but too much has been said to ever repair all the damage
done. They move on and yeah, you wish
you could go back to way things were before but what is done is done and you can’t
change that. You follow what’s going on
from a far; reading facebook status’s and tweet’s for hints about what they are
thinking or even if they will take you back.
After a while of doing this you hear news that they are about to get
that ring they wanted so badly. Once
they get the ring you realize there is no turning back and you can quit pinning
over them. In the back of your head you
hear a voice that says it will be ok, you heard these same rumors last year and
nothing ever came out of it. This time
seems different though. They seem really
determined to get it. It seems like it’s
really going happen and there is nothing you can do to stop it.
When LeBron finally got
that ring last week I knew it was time to move on; he wasn’t coming back so I
should just make peace with that. The
first step in fixing any problem is admitting you have one in the first
place. In closing, my name is William
Balzer, I have a love / hate relationship with LeBron James and I’m trying to
move on with my life!
To Be Continued….?
To Be Continued….?